Prof. Dr.
Timm Wilke

The center

Low-cost, high-tech: the LabPi digital measuring station is being developed at our TTZ for use in schools, student laboratories, university teaching and research.
The combination of a powerful platform with precise sensors and innovative technology opens up new teaching and learning opportunities for STEM 4.0 lessons.
Numerous sensors are available for LabPi, which offer new possibilities for quantitative data acquisition and can be used in all STEM subjects.

Wireless networking of the devices with each other and with the cloud makes it possible to combine the measured values of several learning groups at the touch of a finger.
Test results can thus be discussed faster and better, leaving more real learning time.

At the center, we offer measuring stations for use in schools, student laboratories, research centers and universities.
We also provide direct training, support and teaching materials as well as teaching/learning concepts to help you get started.

LabPi can also be used profitably for research – thanks to the possibility of combining various sensors and archiving in the cloud, test series can be greatly accelerated through parallelization.


  • Development, production and installation of digital measuring stations

  • Production of various sensors: temperature, pH value, conductivity,CO2 concentration, air pressure, humidity, GPS and a photometer

  • Production of aCO2 traffic light for interiors

  • Development of customized systems and teaching/learning concepts for simple data acquisition for teaching, training, education and research

Our projects

  • Redesign of the basic inorganic chemistry practical course as part of the “Digitize” project.
    60 LabPi stations are used across the board.
    Project partner: Prof. Marc Walter, TU Braunschweig.

  • Integration of LabPi into teacher training at the universities of Jena and Braunschweig

  • 50 students carry out a biotechnology internship in the HomeLab with LabPi, smartphone and household items.
    Project partner: PD Dr. Christof Maul, TU Braunschweig.

  • Use in cutting-edge research: LabPi is used in the special research areas CataLight (Universities of Ulm & Jena) and PolyTarget (University and University Hospital of Jena)

  • LabPi experiment on global climate change at the Agnes Pockels Laboratory at TU Braunschweig receives the LeLa Prize 2021 endowed with €5,000

  • Use of LabPi in the student laboratory explorhino at Aalen University, at the Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte Schwäbisch Gmünd and at the German School New Delhi, …

Further information can be found on the website

Picture credits: Anne Günther (University of Jena)