Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Tim Fingscheidt

The center

ai.lift Logo - Machine Learning

We are a team of scientists who have gained many years of experience in the field of machine learning – i.e. artificial intelligence – through a large number of research and cooperation projects.
We will be happy to help you get started with the topic or advise you on solving specific problems.


If you are looking for an easy introduction to the methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we offer 1-2 day training courses:

  • An introductory course with many application examples, an introduction to the theoretical basics and initial hands-on exercises on an interactive learning interface

  • An advanced course for people who want to get into the development of artificial intelligence methods, with an overview of development environments, the typical development workflow and many tips and tricks.

We will also be happy to advise you (possibly as part of a joint project) on specific problems in the following areas:

  • Data acquisition for machine learning methods

  • Data transformation into a suitable format for machine learning methods

  • Selection of suitable machine learning methods for your problem

  • Hardware investments for entry into the development of machine learning methods

  • Selection of a suitable development environment for machine learning methods

Further information can be found on our website – – from our website.

Picture credits: TU Braunschweig/Tim Fingscheidt